Lap Cheong & Cheese Scrolls

Are you back at school/work and need some inspiration for your lunchboxes?! 🍴
Try my twist on the ham & cheese scroll! Instead of ham I used Lap Cheong! 

Lap Cheong is a dried hard sausage usually made from fatty pork, its savoury but has a sweet & smokey flavour. It’s so moorish!

Time: 15-20 min + prep
Serves: 12


  • 300g self raising flour, sifted (Plus extra to dust) 
  • 90g butter, chopped into cubes 
  • 1/4 tsp salt 
  • 160ml milk (plus a bit of milk to seal the scroll) 

  • 175g pack Lap Cheong, cut in half lengthways then into thin semi moon pieces 
  • 1 cup shredded cheese of your choice (I used mozzarella)

  1. Preheat oven to 200degrees (fan forced)
  2. In a large mixing bowl add flour, salt and butter. Rub mixture together with fingertips until it resembles bread crumbs texture 
  3. Slowly add milk and use a blunt/butter knife to combine 
  4. Tip mixture onto bench dusted with the extra flour and kneed dough for a few minutes until it forms a smooth ball 
  5. Using a rolling pin, roll dough into rectangle about 30 x 40 cm 
  6. Evenly scatter dough with cheese and lap cheong
  7. Starting from the long bottom edge roll dough into a Swiss roll, seal the top edge with a bit of milk 
  8. Divide into 12 pieces
  9. Transfer pieces and lay flat onto lined baking or non stick tray and bake in oven for 15-20 mins until golden brown & cooked through. 
  10. Enjoy!! 😋

Cook’s Notes: 
This recipe yields a buttery crumbly dough, however feel free to substitute for a soft yeast dough recipe or if you’re pressed for time frozen puff pastry! 🥖🍞🧀

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