Cà Phê Sữa Đá

Cà Phê Sữa Đá aka Vietnamese Iced Coffee

3:30-itis has hit! My favourite pick me up is Cà Phê Sữa Đá aka Vietnamese Iced Coffee!
I love the strong hit of caffeine combined with the sweetness of condensed milk.

Traditionally it’s made using a Vietnamese coffee metal drip filter however I’ve made mine using a moka pot! You can use French press or even Nespresso machine.

Just make sure the coffee is strong!


2 espresso shots (60ml coffee)
2 tbs sweetened condensed milk
250ml cup filled with ice


  1. Mix coffee and condensed milk. Let the mix cool down slightly 
  2. Pour over ice. 
  3. Enjoy! 

Cooks Notes:

  • While the initial liquid ratio is quite short, the ice melts which will add to the total liquid volume 

Instagram: @lisadiepcooks
Facebook page: @lisadiepcooks

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